Mendenhall Glacier 2009


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NOWAT ALASKA 2009 Album Pt 2 Sitka to Seattle
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30 June 2009

6.20.9 - PACKIN' 'n' STRESSIN'

Luggage (lug·gage lə-gij)
Something that is lugged ; especially : suitcases for a traveler's belongings: Baggage

And So It Starts...
D minus 5 hours and counting...

“Oh Chuckie...have you seen my hooded coat?’
“Just picked it up from the cleaners.”

“And that lovely wool scarf you bought me in Spain?”
“Already packed in the top section of the large bag.”

“And... [Wait for it folks...Wait...Wait... Here it comes]
my Blow Dryer, where did you hide it this time?’
“Not packed goes on top of your shoes... if you'll ever decide which ones you’re taking!!!

“Now Chuckie, don’t start stressing yet... I've only just started with the sweaters.”
“Layer... Layers... I told you that for MedCruise, it’s the same for ALASKA, 50’s & 60’s is NOT THAT BAD!”
[This from the guy whose blood crystallizes at 68.4 degrees Fahrenheit]

Yeah... still packing DAMMIT! Now I understand why its called LUGGAGE!!!. We need to be at the airport in 4 hours and she’s still sorting cold weather gear.
And as usual, she’s had most of her "stuff" spread across the bed for a week, rethinking the wardrobe with each check of the 10 day forecast for our itinerary.
This of course has made it a joy at bedtime, offloading the days choices and reassembling it all in the morning, only to watch as she shuffles it all once again.
Fortunately, I anticipated this after a week of “should she take this... or should she take that” and packed my stuff last night. I'm sooo packed that all I need to do is throw the laptop in the carryon and I'm good to go. Of course... I still have to finish packing her. As you all know, I do all the packing; otherwise the “luggage” would triple.

Of course I also didn't plan for Stow-Aways... it was a bit hard to convince them the Luggage was not for neighborhood rides
Thankfully my contractor has finished the garage renovations so we can leave without that on our minds.
What was to be a 3 day project stretched to 3 weeks due to permit issues and indecision about the mop sink. [DON’T ASK] This left me little time to finish the trip plans and confirm the excursions and get myself packed.
F.Y.I. - the new “gas tankless water heater” works like a champ. Hopefully, along with the new gas dryer, reduced electric bills make it worth the change .

Brother Earl, our Seattle host, has suggested the show at Buchart Gardens for the Victoria Stop, and if anyone out there has any other ideas... please let us know via or add a comment to this NOWAT by clicking on comments link below our signature on this post.

“Oh Chuckie...what did you do with the travel Iron?”
---There she goes again!--
“Remember dear, you can’t use it on the Ship, due to onboard fire regulations, you have to go to the Guest laundry room.”
“Oh Yeah... how silly, don’t they know I wont burn down the Ship?’

I wont even try to explain that one to her again... she'll forget about it as soon as she finds another sweater to try and cram into the already overweight “LUGGAGE”.
I better get back in there before I DO have to add another “BAG”

Stay tuned for DEPARTURE – Hey... maybe there won’t be any drama this time [but not likely].
Well at least we won’t be swapping laptop hard drives in the parking lot of the Sheraton or downloading wireless drivers at dial-up speed [I hope]...
Don’t Relax yet Terry...we’re still 4 hours from getting’ outta town!

Ciao 4 Now
Chuck & the heading to the closet for another heavy scarf,
Dragon Lady

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